Доклад на Экономическом и финансовом комитете (Второй комитет) Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН:
Глобальная Премия «Ангел Устойчивого Развития», 22 октября 2015 года, Штаб-квартира ООН, Нью-Йорк, США. Запись UN TV.
The link to watch the speech of the World Organization for Development President Robert Gubernatorov (beginning at 2:15:55)
Description: Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee) Opening statements His Excellency Andrej Logar (Slovenia), Chair of the Second Committee Ms. Barbara Adams, Chair of the Global Policy Forum, and the Moderator of the two-panel discussions Panel discussion 1 «How can the Second Committee ensure that its work is in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?» Presentations followed by interactive discussion Panel discussion 2 «How should the agenda of the Second Committee look like in the coming years?» Presentations followed by interactive discussion Conclusion of the session Wrap-up and summary of critical issues by Ms. Barbara Adams, Chair of the Global Policy Forum Closing remarks by His Excellency Andrej Logar (Slovenia), Chair of the Second Committee Scrips and related documents